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Citified, typified …with devcon sage Tom Bloxham

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​For Tom Bloxham, property development is about more than just building homes for profit, he builds communities for people. The Urban Splash focus remains on creating better places for people. Tom’s responsible for 25 years of urbanisation across the north, creating and revolutionising the way we live, whether it’s stimulating city living or capitalising on concept modular.

Selling records and posters in the 80’s lead to his unexpected admission into property; his journey is undeniably unique. Confidence, belief and determination are his mantra. Urban Splash drive the bandwagon for innovation in regentrification, creative from the ground up.

Over the past quarter of a century, Urban Splash created more than 5,000 new homes and 1.5 million sq ft of workspace in over 60 regeneration projects. 

An essential listen, inspiring those eager to think outside the box.