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If it is out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too

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​Freedom is what most of us are searching for – financial, emotional, physical. Life will present us with circumstances that are beyond our control and certainly the global pandemic we are faced with, falls into that category.

What we can control however, is our reaction and our response to all of life’s challenges. There is an element of mastery that will come with that, but each of us have a responsibility to ourselves to manage that, and to take inspired action where it may be necessary. 

It is worthy at any point in life, not just a pandemic to begin to understand and to explore the drivers that are really behind some of the emotions that we are feeling. Right now, many of us are being triggered and there is a collective purge of emotions. This can be difficult to move through but on the other side of that, there is growth and there is greater freedom as a result.

Working from home has for some, been a relatively pleasant experience. Some organisations have a flexible working policy where prior to this, some employees might have worked from home 1 or 2 days a week. I have heard some clients remarking that they are enjoying being in their own space. The opportunity to perhaps eat lunch with family during the working week, is a new and welcoming experience. Some are fortunate and have been able to take breaks and take advantage of beautiful countryside or short walks by the sea.

For a large number of young real estate professionals, this right now is not their current reality, and many are house sharing with their peers and fellow professionals in Central London. While all are grateful for their health and wellbeing, managing this has been challenging but has seen resilience, patience and a deep sense of gratitude for health and employment at this time.

On the whole, young professionals are relatively optimistic about the creative solutions that will emerge from this time and are keen to be part of the ideation in developing these solutions and the way in which we will interact with our built environment moving forward.

I have been a supporter of CREation property network since it began and when I was approached to develop a bespoke online coaching and wellness programme for their members, I was thrilled to be able to provide this support. Each week we have structured coaching calls and discuss topics at the forefront of their minds such as uncertainty, communication with teams, boundaries around managing physical and personal space and how best to deal with the collective fear that was being to emerge. We have also been working with journaling and I have been taking members on a 6 week learn to meditate course. I have cherry picked the tools and techniques that will work best at this time and having a balanced nervous system is a high priority so that we can come from a place of greater rational thought, taking us out of any fear based responses that might have been looking to take over.

‘CREation property network was set up to provide live in-person networking experiences, where those starting their careers could meet and mingle with those in the same boat and even those already established in the real estate industry. The purpose is simple and that is to provide fun, free events where connection and community are at the fore. To continue this online and to be able to provide this support to our members has been invaluable. We have known and worked with Niamh for a long time, her coaching style and the way in which she approaches sensitive topics, combined with a deep understanding of the industry has been a great combination and we hope to continue to see our members benefit.  ’- Rosanna Lawn, Co- Founder, CREAtion Property Network.

‘We have built a community where members come not only for professional development and networking but for a sense of connection and we want to make sure that it is retained and they are supported at this time. Partnering with Niamh and her corporate wellness company and developing a bespoke programme aimed at supporting the mental health of all CREation members was of vital importance to us, so that our members feel that support and can continue to connect with each other.’’ – Harri John, CREation Co -Founder.

The feedback has been great so far with many members logging on to take part in group calls and coaching sessions and availing of online meditation classes.

‘The coaching sessions have been a great way to connect with the other members at this time and also to learn more about how to navigate these complex times.’ Camilla D’Aguilar

‘After a long and fairly stressful day I am now going to do the meditation video—I have found them really helpful and relaxing, I feel a greater sense of calm after each one, thank you very much!’ , Lucy Whittick.

The online wellness series has a focus on coaching, wellbeing, stress management, group coaching and online meditation sessions and will continue as we move through these times. The programme is open to all CREation members and it is great to see returning faces each week and to assist in the personal and professional development of some of the great minds of the industry, and the future of the built environment.

Niamh Keane is a trained ICF Executive Performance & Life coach, working 1-1 with private clients and specialises in corporate wellness. Niamh also hosts personal and corporate retreats throughout the year, which offer people the opportunity to completely reset. Niamh previously worked in real estate and tech for 15 years working in commercial real estate, prime central London, private wealth, capital raising , global business development & as a Chief Commercial Officer.
