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5 tips to manage stress in your job search

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​In our recently released ‘Hiring for the Future’ report, we found that 62% of job seekers feel that finding suitable job openings is the most challenging part of their job search.

According to a survey by Linkedin, this challenge of discovering relevant job opportunities causes stress in 20% of these candidates.

The numbers above show that although looking for a job can be a rewarding experience, full of potential opportunities and new beginnings, on the flip side it can bring with it its fair share of stress and anxiety.

Whether you’re looking for your first job, or are a seasoned professional seeking new challenges, managing stress during the job search is essential for maintaining your well-being and productivity.

In light of April being Stress Awareness Month, we’ve written this article with the hope that it will provide you with strategies to help you navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of job hunting whilst also managing your well-being.

Establish a routine

At a time of uncertainty, creating a routine for yourself will help give you a sense of structure and manage your time more efficiently. Blocking out dedicated blocks of time each day for activities such as researching job openings, networking and updating your CV. Creating this schedule will not only keep you organised but also ensure you maintain a healthy work-life balance and time to do activities you enjoy such as going to the gym and reading your favourite book.

Don’t forget about self-care

It’s easy to get wrapped up in your job search, but prioritising your physical and mental well-being is crucial for long-term success. Make time for activities that nourish your body and mind, whether it’s exercise, meditation, hobbies or spending time with loved ones. Remember taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Manage your expectations - "Rome wasn’t built in a day"

Naturally, you’ll feel pressure to find a job quickly, especially if you’re unemployed or facing financial strain. However, it's essential to manage your expectations and understand that the job search process takes time. Rejections and setbacks are par for the course, but they don’t define your worth or potential. Stay resilient, stay focused, and trust that the right opportunity will come your way in due time.

Cultivate a support system

Navigating the ups and downs of the job search alone may cause you to feel isolated. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, mentors and peers who can offer encouragement, advice and perspective. Don’t hesitate to lean on your support system during challenging times, they are there to help you through.

Focus on what you can control

You may feel like there are aspects within your job search that are out of your control, such as waiting to hear back from employers. Instead, focus on the things you can control such as working on your applications or researching businesses you are interested in.

Your job search can start to feel like you're on a rollercoaster of emotions, but by implementing these strategies, you can effectively manage stress and maintain your well-being throughout the process. Remember to be patient with yourself, stay resilient in the face of challenges and keep your eyes on your goals.

With perseverance and a positive mindset, you’ll navigate the job search maze and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

A quick tip from Summer Pound - Principal Consultant & Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassador at deverellsmith.

It's so common to feel overwhelmed at times; after all, we're only human. One crucial reminder I give myself daily is to be kind to myself—to recognise that I can't control everything and that it's okay not to feel okay. Personally, engaging in physical activity, particularly running of late, has become my go-to stress reliever. It quiets my mind and puts things into perspective, making challenges seem less daunting.

I've yet to meet someone who regrets doing things they enjoy—whether it's a workout, reading a beloved book, spending quality time with friends and family, or simply taking time for themself.

Here are a few strategies that have helped me navigate overwhelming moments:

  • Pursue your passions and hobbies - find activities that allow your mind to switch off.

  • Get moving  - step away from screens, go outside, and let your body move!!

  • Break down stressors - write them down, identify what you can control, and tackle those aspects first.

  • Don't hesitate to seek support - whether from a manager, friends, or family. Talking things through often diminishes the perceived magnitude of the problem.

    Remember, it's okay to seek help and prioritise your well-being.

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