Your responsibilities as a finance controller is to manage the accounting operations, mitigating risk, producing periodic financial reports and ensuring compliance. We tend to find the general scope within finance controller jobs really varies depending on the size of the property company you work for and the support you have from your accounts team. For example, in a small to mid-size property firm you may well find in a finance controller job description cash and risk management are expected, whilst for larger property employers they might shift this responsibility to the CFO or equivalent.
Typically, to be suitable for a finance controller role you are expected to have several years’ experience, with experience of progressive responsibility for a company or divisions cash flow, investments and accounting team. The majority of candidates applying to finance controller jobs at Deverell Smith have a Bachelor’s degree, property industry experience and CPAA or CMA qualified.
Our accounting and finance recruitment team specialises in the property industry and represent finance controller jobs from global property brands to boutique consultancies and prop tech startups. We recognise that one size does not fit all, and take a consultative approach to your accountancy career progression so do not hesitate to contact us for advice.